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  • Version 1.2.0

    July 06, 2024
    • new
      WordPress update server integration
    • added
      Tab cutsom link field
    • added
      Automatic active class assignment to custom navigation items when switching tabs
    • fixed
      Scrolling to element issues while using a custom navigations
    • fixed
      Disabling option to keep all items closed for the Accordion navigation style while using autoplay
    • changed
      Removed inline JavaScript
    • changed
      Combined all JavaScript features into a single file
    • changed
      Improved switcher hover mode
    • changed
      Rewrited Autoplay JavaScript function
    • changed
      Rewrited URL hash handling JavaScript function to activate switcher tab on page load
    • changed
      Added exclusion list for system builder element IDs when connecting custom navigation by ID
    • changed
      Detect and ignore dragging function when using custom switcher navigation in slider mode
    • changed
      Added a 100ms delay for hover mode
    • changed
      Autoplay pause on hover now excludes switcher navigation area
    • changed
      Enhanced autoplay progress bar animation smoothness and value calculation
    • changed
      Modernized Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Utilized DatabaseInterface in Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Integrated Providers in Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement: 4.1
  • Version 1.1.3

    December 20, 2023
    • fixed
      Item custom ID, class, and attributes in accordion mode
  • Version 1.1.2

    December 04, 2023
    • added
      "fs-no-scroll" class support to disable scrolling while using custom navigation
    • added
      Ability to toggle specific switcher elements by ID while using custom navigation
    • fixed
      Fixed missing navigation label
    • fixed
      Fixed displaying label instead of title in accordions
    • fixed
      Fixed thumbnav hover animation toggle trigger from image only
  • Version 1.1.1

    December 02, 2023
    • added
      More title, meta, and content text styles
  • Version 1.1.0

    November 18, 2023
    • new
      Joomla! 5 support
    • added
      Image and lightbox focal point options
    • added
      Item HTML element option
    • added
      Dynamic content support at element level
    • added
      Element transform
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement: 8.1
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement: 4.3
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement: 4.0
  • Version 1.0.8

    November 17, 2023
    • added
      Auto-scroll to a switcher element while using custom navigation
    • added
      Auto-scroll on the page load to a switcher element if URL hash is present
    • added
      Image title field
    • added
      Item HTML element option
    • fixed
      Lightbox and modal button conflict
    • changed
      Faster element UI
    • changed
      Improved UX for custom fields settings
    • changed
      Enhanced visibility for item override settings
    • changed
      Reduced element input fields delay
    • changed
      Code optimizations for improved performance
    • changed
      Relocated item ID, class, and attribute settings to the advanced tab
  • Version 1.0.7

    Februaty 18, 2023
    • added
      Automatically setting the active class to custom navigation items when the switcher tab is toggled
  • Version 1.0.6

    Februaty 07, 2023
    • added
      Switcher autoplay progress bar container background option
    • changed
      Updated speed of switcher autoplay progress bar
  • Version 1.0.5

    Februaty 07, 2023
    • new
      Switcher autoplay progress bar
    • new
      Switching tabs with external buttons (custom navigation)
    • added
      Switcher autoplay progress bar position option
    • added
      Switcher autoplay progress bar color option
    • added
      Switcher autoplay progress bar margin option
    • added
      Sublayouts container margin top option
    • fixed
      Active switcher tab by URL not working on the inactive browser tab
    • fixed
      Switcher autoplay not starting in the inactive browser tab
    • fixed
      Switcher hover navigation mode not changing to the next item on autoplay
    • changed
      Tab switcher by URL now ignores case-sensitive links
  • Version 1.0.4

    January 18, 2023
    • added
      Unique switcher item link class for accurate navigation click trigger integration in hover mode
  • Version 1.0.3

    January 11, 2023
    • new
    • new
      Modal builder
    • new
      Hover navigation mode
    • new
      Enabled triggering switcher item link click on navigation click in hover navigation mode
    • added
      Custom grids positions: image cell top/bottom
    • added
      Support for 20 additional meta fields
    • added
      Support for 2 new meta fields display positions
    • added
      Image attributes: loading -> eagerly, fetch priority -> high, decoding -> async, cache -> disable
    • added
      Link enhancements: Title field, Aria label field, Class field, Attributes (nofollow, noreferrer, noopener, prefetch), Custom attributes
    • added
      Toggle option for all element links with the uk-toggle attribute
    • added
      Modal ID field
    • added
      Modal header field
    • added
      Custom fields panel offset and grid match options
    • changed
      Item title is not required to display the switcher item
    • changed
      Optimized settings UX
    • changed
      Code optimization
  • Version 1.0.2

    October 02, 2022
    • added
      Thumbnav hover image
    • added
      Thumbnav text label
    • added
      Thumbnav text label position: left, top, bottom
    • added
      Thumbnav text label breakpoint
    • added
      PHP 8.1 support
    • fixed
      Autoplay on YOOtheme Pro 3.x
  • Version 1.0.1

    April 21, 2022
    • new
      Active tab by URL hash location
    • new
      Autoplay for all types of navigation
    • added
      Autoplay interval
    • added
      Autoplay pause on hover, touch
    • added
      Touch devices swiping disable option
    • fixed
      Custom grids column and row gap item override default value
  • Version 1.0.0

    February 07, 2022
    • new
      Lightbox gallery
    • new
      Accordion navigation
    • new
      Thumbnav icons
    • new
      Navigation sticky mode support in left and right position
    • new
      Panel options for nested fieldsets
    • new
      Automatic unused nested grids disable option
    • added
      Support for 4 additional nested grids
    • added
      Support for 2 new nested grid positions
    • added
      Support for 10 additional text fields
    • added
      Support for 20 additional image/icon fields
    • added
      Support for 20 additional link fields
    • added
      Link and image attributes fields
    • added
      Overriding options on the item settings tab
    • added
      Item ID, class and attributes fields
    • added
      Limit text output for element title, content, meta, and all custom text fields
    • added
      Title attribute field for link and image in the element settings
    • added
      Title and image link hover transition options
    • added
      Title, meta, content, image and link visibility options
    • added
      All types of grid and image settings for each nested grid
    • added
      Mixed width options for nested grids
    • added
      Visibility breakpoints for nested grids
    • changed
      Optimized element settings
  • Version 1.1.2

    October 08, 2023
    • added
      Nested grid top divider
    • added
      Nested grid masonry pack mode
    • added
      Nested grid margin bottom option
    • added
      Nested grid parallax justify, start, and end options
    • added
      Nested grid text align and fallback
    • added
      Nested grid visibility
    • added
      Item max width option
    • added
      Meta decoration options
    • added
      Content limit output
    • added
      Content force align left option
    • added
      Image title field
    • added
      Link title field
    • added
      Link aria-label
    • added
      Item ID, class, and attributes
    • changed
      Nested grid CSS classes
    • changed
      Code optimization
    • changed
      Element UI improvement
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement: 4.1
  • Version 1.1.1

    September 04, 2023
    • new
      Joomla! 5 support
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement: 8.1
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement: 4.3
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement: 4.0
  • Version 1.1.0

    July 07, 2023
    • new
      YOOtheme Pro 4 support
    • added
      Dynamic content source at the element level
    • added
      Item HTML element option
    • added
      Image focal point option
    • added
      Option to remove left or right padding for section/row
    • added
      Inline CSS useful classes hints
    • added
      Element transform
    • changed
      Optimized settings UX
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement: 7.4
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement: 3.10
    • changed
      Minimum WordPress version requirement: 6.0
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement: 3.0
  • Version 1.0.0

    September 15, 2021
    • added
      Initial Release