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  • Version 1.5.3

    June 14, 2024
    • fixed
      Button not appear while link field is empty and automatic sublayout modal integration is enabled
  • Version 1.5.2

    May 22, 2024
    • fixed
      Sublayout not displayed when all fields with dynamic content return empty values
  • Version 1.5.1

    May 21, 2024
    • added
      Neutralize diacritics option for DataTables search and Filter
  • Version 1.5.0

    May 17, 2024
    • new
      WordPress update server
    • added
      Automatic sublayout modal connect link option
    • added
      DataTables filter option to split for comma-separated text
    • added
      Heading 3X-Large text style
    • added
      Translation for DataTables pagination menu
    • fixed
      Modal content visibility issue with section animation enabled
    • fixed
      Sticky header and footer now scroll horizontally with table content
    • changed
      DataTables JavaScript library update
    • changed
      DataTables UI CSS improvements
    • changed
      DataTables filter select box width option now affects column widths
    • changed
      Modernized Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Utilization of DatabaseInterface in Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Integration of Providers in Joomla! plugin
    • changed
      Element settings UX improvements
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement updated to 4.1
  • Version 1.4.7

    December 11, 2023
    • changed
      DataTables JavaScript library update
  • Version 1.4.6

    October 24, 2023
    • added
      Sublayout naming support
    • changed
      Removed DataTables attributes once disabled
    • changed
      Removed input fields submit delay
  • Version 1.4.5

    September 10, 2023
    • new
      Joomla! 5 support
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement updated to 8.1
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement updated to 4.3
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement updated to 4.0
  • Version 1.4.4

    September 10, 2023
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement updated to 7.4
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement updated to 3.10
    • changed
      Minimum WordPress version requirement updated to 6.0
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement updated to 3.0
  • Version 1.4.3

    July 14, 2023
    • added
      Option to display/hide the button and its column
    • changed
      Moved star rating and sublayout display options to the main element screen under display settings
  • Version 1.4.2

    May 24, 2023
    • added
      Global link aria-label field
  • Version 1.4.1

    April 25, 2023
    • fixed
      Item attributes are now applied correctly
  • Version 1.4.0

    April 25, 2023
    • added
      DataTables mixed sorting support for strings containing both numbers and letters
    • changed
      Isolated the table lightbox from the lightboxes in sublayouts
    • changed
      DataTables JavaScript library update
  • Version 1.3.5

    April 17, 2023
    • new
      Support for 11 additional columns, bringing the total to 24
    • added
      Image aria-label field for improved accessibility
  • Version 1.3.1

    April 14, 2023
    • added
      Item ID, class, attributes
    • changed
      Option to either automatically load or disable the loading of the jQuery library
  • Version 1.3.0

    April 12, 2023
    • new
      YOOtheme Pro 4.x support
    • new
      Star rating
    • new
      Dynamic content support on the element level
    • new
      8 table column layouts
    • added
      Star rating position, align, style, margin and visibility options
    • added
      Align options for the link and image
    • added
      Column options to ignore general element align, breakpoint and fallback settings
    • added
      Margin options for title and text 1-9 columns
    • added
      Padding option for sublayouts modal body
    • added
      Margin option for the sublayouts in native/mixed mode
    • added
      Implemented dynamic content support for ID, class, attributes, inline CSS, DataTables translations, and more
    • added
      Lightbox and image focal point options
    • added
      DataTables search input field icon
    • changed
      Allow to display the sublayouts or star rating in the empty cells
    • changed
      Table legend fields have been relocated to the dedicated panel
    • changed
      The checkbox mode option has been relocated to the table layout settings section.
    • changed
      Enhanced the mobile layout for table DataTables search and pagination
    • changed
      If there's no DataTables pagination, the search input is aligned to the left and expands
    • changed
      If there's no DataTables pagination, the search input is aligned to the left and expands
    • changed
      Item sublayout and star rating now respect column alignment
    • changed
      Optimized conditions in element settings
    • removed
      Last column alignment option
  • Version 1.2.7

    March 17, 2023
    • fixed
      "Invalid column count" DataTables error
    • changed
      DataTables JavaScript library update
  • Version 1.2.6

    March 03, 2023
    • changed
      Adjusted Image Lightbox to not require the link field to be enabled and not empty
  • Version 1.2.5

    January 29, 2023
    • changed
      DataTable pagination auto hide
  • Version 1.2.4

    January 01, 2023
    • added
      Table header and footer horizontal scroll while Table Scroll feature is enabled
    • fixed
      Element settings UX improvements
  • Version 1.2.3

    December 08, 2022
    • new
      Items sublayout
    • new
      Modal builder based on the items sublayouts
    • new
      Icons support
    • added
      Support for using multiple Table Pro instances with DataTables enabled as nested elements
    • added
      Option that applies the UIkit 'uk-toggle' attribute to individual cell links
    • added
      Custom classes field for the table button
    • added
      Custom atributes field for the table button
    • added
      Table button prefetch attribute
  • Version 1.2.2

    November 16, 2022
    • new
      Keyword highlighting in search results for DataTables
    • added
      Option to enable search in the label text in DataTables
    • fixed
      Issue with sticky header overlapping the menu by adjusting the z-index
    • fixed
      Issue where the table footer was not removed when no DataTables filter placed in there
    • changed
      DataTables JavaScript library update
    • changed
      DataTables classes added only if necessary
    • changed
      Using the DataTables search input placeholder instead of the label
    • changed
      Made improvements to the code for optimization
  • Version 1.2.1

    November 15, 2022
    • new
      Lightbox gallery for table images
    • new
      Date format converter with over 15 predefined options
    • new
      Extra column for counting rows
    • new
      Individual links support for each table cell
    • new
      WooCommerce Ajax add to cart API support
    • added
      Text transform options for text 1-9 fields
    • added
      Option to hide table head labels on stacked layout
    • added
      Image attributes: "loading: eagerly", "fetch priority: high", and "decoding: async"
    • added
      Option to disable image processing and caching
    • added
      WCAG aria-label attribute field for the lightbox gallery in images
    • added
      "nofollow", "noreferrer", and "noopener" link attributes for SEO enhancement
  • Version 1.2.8

    October 24, 2023
    • changed
      Removed DataTables attributes once disabled
    • changed
      Removed input fields submit delay
  • Version 1.2.7

    September 10, 2023
    • new
      Joomla! 5 Support
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement updated to 8.1
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement updated to 4.3
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement updated to 4.0
  • Version 1.2.6

    September 10, 2023
    • changed
      Minimum PHP version requirement updated to 7.4
    • changed
      Minimum Joomla! version requirement updated to 3.10
    • changed
      Minimum WordPress version requirement updated to 6.0
    • changed
      Minimum YOOtheme Pro version requirement updated to 3.0
  • Version 1.2.5

    May 24, 2023
    • new
      YOOtheme Pro 4.x support
    • new
      Dynamic content support on the element level
    • added
      Lightbox and image focal point options
    • fixed
      Checkbox mode
    • changed
      Option to either automatically load or disable the loading of the jQuery library
    • changed
      Updated DataTables JavaScript library
  • Version 1.2.3

    January 29, 2023
    • changed
      DataTable pagination auto hide
  • Version 1.2.2

    January 01, 2023
    • added
      Table header and footer horizontal scroll while Table Scroll feature is enabled
    • changed
      Element settings UX improvements
  • Version 1.2.1

    December 26, 2022
    • fixed
      DataTables first column sorting on different table layouts
    • fixed
      Issue where the table footer was not removed when no DataTables filter placed in there
    • changed
      Updated DataTables JavaScript library
    • changed
      DataTables classes added only if necessary
    • changed
      Using the DataTables search input placeholder instead of the label
    • changed
      Made improvements to the code for optimization
  • Version 1.2.0

    September 21, 2022
    • new
      Definition of data types for table fields
    • new
      Definition of source date format
    • new
      Ability to replace numeric decimal separators on the fly
    • new
      Ability to change numeric decimal places on the fly
    • new
      Ability to change numeric decimal places on the fly
    • new
      Option to limit the amount of items (rows) to be displayed
    • added
      Option to load own jQuery library
    • added
      Exact match mode for DataTables filter option
    • added
      Description text link hover style option
    • added
      Image title attribute field for SEO optimization
    • added
      Link title attribute field for SEO optimization
    • added
      Link aria-label attribute field for WCAG compliance
    • added
      Option to force-align table legend fields to the left
    • added
      DataTables Filters: select box text transform option
    • added
      PHP 8.1 support
    • fixed
      Table width options
    • changed
      The DataTables inline initialization script was rewritten into a JavaScript class
    • changed
      Checkbox mode will be enabled if the column data format is set to a number
    • changed
      Optimized conditions in element settings
    • changed
      CSS improvements related to the DataTables sticky header
  • Version 1.1.9

    July 27, 2022
    • added
      More text style options
    • changed
      Optimized conditions in element settings
  • Version 1.1.8

    June 21, 2022
    • fixed
      TypeError on disabled filter in DataTables
  • Version 1.1.7

    June 18, 2022
    • added
      Option allowing description text to be wrapped within the title link
    • changed
      The link column will now be hidden if the element's link text is empty. The item's link text is only for overriding
  • Version 1.1.6

    June 02, 2022
    • new
      DataTables sticky header and footer functionality
    • added
      DataTables sticky offset option
    • fixed
      Issue where multiple instances of Table 9 element with DataTables enabled were not working
    • changed
      To enable the DataTables filter, the search module needs to be enabled as well
  • Version 1.1.5

    May 24, 2022
    • added
      Option to select the column for sorting items by default when the page loads in DataTables
    • added
      Option to select the sorting order for items in the chosen default sorting column in DataTables
    • added
      Support for sorting dates in DataTables
  • Version 1.1.4

    May 12, 2022
    • new
      DataTables column filtering feature
    • added
      DataTables Filters: show/hide options for each column
    • added
      DataTables Filters: display position options
    • added
      DataTables Filters: select box placeholders format options
    • added
      DataTables Filters: select box size options
    • added
      DataTables Filters: select box min-width options
    • added
      DataTables Filters: text limit for select box options
    • added
      DataTables Filters: translations for select box default placeholder
    • added
      DataTables search input field clear button
    • added
      DataTables features-enabled classes like '.dataTable-filter'
    • fixed
      Pointer events in the image column when DataTables sorting is enabled
    • fixed
      DataTables save state feature not working
    • changed
      Updated DataTables JavaScript library
    • changed
      DataTables settings to a separate tab for clearer organization
    • changed
      Enhanced the user experience for element settings
    • changed
      Enhanced the DataTables initialization script for improved performance and functionality
  • Version 1.1.3

    April 26, 2022
    • added
      Notification alert for instances where the required jQuery library is not loaded while utilizing DataTables
    • changed
      Implemented optimizations in DataTables assets loading based on enabled features
    • changed
      Optimized layout of pagination and search elements for small devices in DataTables
  • Version 1.1.2

    February 15, 2022
    • added
      Selectable page length feature in DataTables for end users when pagination is enabled
    • added
      DataTables initial page length option when using pagination
  • Version 1.1.1

    February 07, 2022
    • fixed
      PHP warning: Undefined variable $display_checkbox
  • Version 1.1.0

    February 01, 2022
    • new
      Displaying checkboxes instead of '0' and '1' text
    • fixed
      Issue where '0' text was not displayed
  • Version 1.0.10

    January 24, 2022
    • Removed
      Option to sort the image column in DataTables has been removed
  • Version 1.0.9

    December 07, 2021
    • fixed
      DataTables JavaScript error
  • Version 1.0.8

    December 07, 2021
    • added
      Translations for DataTables pagination and search input
    • fixed
      Enable/disable functionality for DataTables features
  • Version 1.0.7

    December 06, 2021
    • changed
      In responsive mode, the table heading colon will appear only if table heading text is set
  • Version 1.0.6

    November 24, 2021
    • added
      PHP 8.x support
    • fixed
      Issue with multiple instances of DataTables on the same page
  • Version 1.0.5

    November 17, 2021
    • added
      DataTables text translations
    • added
      DataTables column sorting options
  • Version 1.0.4

    November 17, 2021
    • new
      DataTables library integration
    • added
      Table search feature
    • added
      Table column sorting feature
    • added
      Table pagination feature
    • added
      ScrollY feature for vertical scrolling within tables
    • added
      Table save state feature
  • Version 1.0.3

    October 22, 2021
    • added
      3 more table columns
  • Version 1.0.2

    October 14, 2021
    • added
      Custom column width option
    • added
      Option to display table headers in responsive mode
  • Version 1.0.1

    September 28, 2021
    • added
      More HTML classes for custom table styling
    • fixed
      Error "Function name must be a string" when aligning table title to the left
  • Version 1.0.0

    September 27, 2021
    • added
      Initial Release